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Author Visits for Schools and clubs

Why choose Gareth?

Gareth has been offering school author visits since 2015. Before becoming a writer, he worked with children for over 20 years. Since starting visiting schools, he has gained a reputation of being able to engage and enthuse children and staff, whether they are in EYFS, KS1 or KS2. He offers a range of workshops and packages. You can find out everything you need to know below.

A Typical Day

Typically, Gareth will work with up to four classes /groups a day so that each session is long enough to be meaningful, purposeful and have the impact you want. He also offers shorter sessions if you wish him to work with every class. He is happy to work with two classes at a time in a suitable space, like the hall.


All visits can end with a book sale and signing if the school wishes it.

A typical timetable might look something like this.

9:00 Whole School Assembly to introduce Gareth and build excitement for the day.

9:30 - 10:30 First "Group"

10:30 - 11:00 EYFS or a short session

11:00 - 12:00 Second "Group"

12:00 Lunchtime - Gareth typically requests a school meal and eats with the children

1:00 - 2:00 Third "Group"

2:00 - 3:00 Fourth "Group"

3:00 - 3:20 EYFS or a short session

3:30 - Optional book sale and signing and/or staff CPD.



Click to find out what schools are saying about Gareth and his visits. 

Workshops Offered

Gareth offers a wide range of workshops. Some are more suitable for some age groups than others, but often they can be adapted to fit the year group you have in mind. Some can also be moulded to fit a theme that you are following. For your convenience, they have been grouped below but if you have any questions or requests, please feel free to ask.


EYFS Workshops

You've never heard The Gingerbread Man until you've heard Gareth tell it. Prepare for actions, singing, and for your children (and staff) to be mesmerised.

Other stories and activities are available, including those for KS1 below.


KS1 Workshops

Gareth offers a range of workshops, many of which are based around his books.

Great for the beginning of the year 1 or late in the year for F2, I'm Special, where children consider what makes them special and different from everyone else. Based on The Magic Smile.


IMy Best Friend (linked to Star Friend) he invites the children to consider what makes a good friend. 


Or how about creating your own Superhero Animal, thinking about what's special about that animal and turning it into a superpower. Linked to Super Rabbit.

Why not give Gareth The Story Challenge and watch him tell a story on the spot from a range of objects.


KS2 Workshops


Explore the characters of Moggy on a Mission in Secret Agent Species and then create your own, thinking about what makes your chosen animal special and how that could help them to be a spy. A great launch activity for story writing!


In Welcome to Kinmara, the children create their own race, considering what makes them special and unique. Based on Kinmaran Chronicles.


Or, discover the power of using maps to generate story ideas in Island of Secrets. This can easily be linked to your topic!

Artefacts of Power, the children create magical objects that grant their user powers granted by the ancient Greek gods (can be changed to link to your topic). Linked to Time Guardians.


Also linked to Greek mythology, is Pawn of the Gods, a preplanned, action-packed hero myth with options for children to personalise it and make it their own.

In Tall Tales, the children work as a team to create their own story and then perform it, becoming storytellers themselves. Great for developing confidence and creativity.

Or, why not give Gareth The Story Challenge and watch him tell a story on the spot from a range of objects.

Days with Gareth and illustrator Vicky Kuhn 

Why not have Gareth AND Vicky for the day? They can work together or separately to ensure more of your children get a quality experience and a day they won't forget. Both have their own unique skills as well as ways of telling stories, helping you to meet writing, reading, AND art skills.

First off, if you choose to have an assembly, Vicky will create a one-off piece of art for you to display in your library or other reading space. This typically includes your school logo and a pair of your children.


Vicky offers illustration workshops giving your children a step-by-step guide to creating their own memorable charcaters, helping them to acheive success. She works across KS1 and KS2 and bases her workshops around: Super Rabbit, Moggy on a Mission and The Kinmaran Chronicles.

Vicky is sure to delight and capture your children's imagination, allowing them to create something they will be really proud of.


Wellness Days with Gareth and Emma

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New for 2023!

Gareth has teamed up with Emma, owner and yoga instructor of Peaceful Possums Yoga to provide you with Wellness Days. Emma will provide 30-minute sessions of yoga across EYFS, KS1 and KS2 presented in the form of stories based on Gareth's books, while Gareth works with KS1 & 2 to use writing as a way of channeling thoughts and feelings.

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Virtual Visits

Gareth offers a range of virtual visits for EYFS, KS1 and KS2.  If budget is an issue, these are an ideal choice, but, to be honest, NOTHING beats a face-to-face visit.

A virtual day would run something like this:

An assembly (if required).

4 x 60-minute sessions, probably consisting of a 45-minute session, followed by a 15-minute Q&A.

The structure is flexible and negotiable.


The workshops cover the inspiration for a chosen book, the writing process, and how the cover was made. All workshops have video and other features to help keep pace and interest as interaction with the class is difficult.



Full-Day - £350 (£250 virtual)

Half-Day - £250 (£200 virtual)

One Hour - £175

Typically, travelling expenses are not applied.


Special Fees

2 Days - £600

Day with Gareth and Vicky or Emma £700

Small School discount available


Useful links


Publish with Taralyn Books

Waiting Room

Gareth Baker (Taralyn Books) 2024

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